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That cigarettes are harmful to one's health is not a secret

by:NLRC     2020-05-19
No Harmful Tobacco Perhaps the greatest benefit of switching to an electronic cigarette is elimination of tobacco you would otherwise consume with conventional cigarettes. The health risks involving tobacco use most often affect the heart and lungs, including strokes, heart attacks, emphysema, and cancer particularly of the lungs, larynx, mouth and pancreas. Tobacco can also lead to hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and peripheral vascular disease. Tobacco has caused millions of deaths worldwide with the World Health Organization reporting over 100 million deaths in just the 20th century alone. These risks are serious but largely preventable in regard to tobacco-caused by simply not consuming tobacco. For smokers, this is not an easy task due to nicotine addiction but the E Cigarette can help greatly since it contains no tobacco. Smokers get the 'smoking experience' without the need to consume tobacco. Adjustable Nicotine Levels Unlike conventional cigarettes, the technology behind E Cigarettes allows smokers to adjust the nicotine levels depending on the cartridge used. Nicotine levels available typically include none, low, medium and high with high around the same level as a conventional cigarette. Although E Cigs are not technically considered a smoking cessation tool, the benefits to adjusting nicotine levels is evident as it can be used to wean from nicotine altogether. If anything, considering the addictiveness of nicotine, the less inhaled is obviously better for health reasons. No Smoky Smell A common complaint of both smokers and non-smokers is the smell. You know that chimney-type smell that soaks into clothes, furniture, hair and skin? The E Cigarette eradicates this pesty problem since they do not give off a smell. This means there is no more need to stand outside in cold weather to avoid irritating those around you, nor do you have to worry about the problem of second-hand smoke. This alone is a good reason to switch to an E Cig not to mention the health benefits. Lower Cost Finally, an E Cigarette may be more expensive to purchase but it is more of a one-time investment since they contain a rechargeable battery. Smokers no longer need to purchase pack after pack where the cost can add up quickly. In fact, it has been said that the cost of smoking over a lifetime can be as high as purchasing a house. Switching to an E Cigarette can save you bundles in the long run.
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