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E-cigarettes will save 7 million smokers over the next 10 year


Experts PredictE-cigarettes will save 7 million smokers over the next 10 year

"All the evidence show that the cannabis oil used by more than 500 cases of lung disease was manufactured illegally, was a street drug and dont have any relate with electronic cigarettes sold through legal channels. David Abrams, a professor at New York University, said in an interview with CBS Columbia Broadcasting Company. As a well-known scholar in the field of public health, Abrams is worried about the current public's panic about e-cigarettes will lead to missed opportunities to reduce the harm of traditional tobacco, which will have a negative impact on public health and point out the reasons for panic.


In the interview, Abrams repeatedly stated that there is strong scientific evidence that nicotine is an addictive substance but does not cause cancer. And at same time, The harmful ingredients in electronic cigarettes are at least 95 % less harmful than traditional cigarettes. At the same time, The rate of successful smoking cessation among e-tobacco users has doubled compared to nicotine replacement smoking cessation methods. 10 % of smokers switch to e-cigarettes each year in the United States, this will save as many as 6-7 million people who should have died from smoking. Abrams also believes that electronic cigarettes purchased legally and formally have never been found to have disease problems. Electronic smokers no need panic. Please continue to use them.

"If all American smokers switch to electronic cigarettes. It will save at least 7 million life. "This is the biggest opportunity to improve public health in 120 years," Abrams said. "

The following are the details of the interview:
Interviewer: British public health officials say about e-cigarettes have different point as the United States,  How do you explain it?

Abrams: British and American scientists are studying this, and we have the same conclusion: smoking electronic cigarettes is much less harmful to the body. When smokers can not quit smoking, they can first convert to electronic cigarettes as a transition.
I believe that pay too much attention to the evils of the tobacco industry and big tobacco companies often leads to distortion of scientific facts and neglect of vital interests.
Interviewer: Your mean the researchers get this conclusion, even though the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) has not yet reviewed it and made a decision.
Abrams: Yes, I think that's the right conclusion. Over the past three to four years, we have been following this area closely. The most powerful study, a randomized trial using the gold standard, showed that smoking cessation using e-cigarettes doubled in 12 months compared with nicotine replacement smoking cessation, and the FDA agreed. But it will take a long time for the government to make a positive statement.

Interviewer: So how much do we know about the risks of e-cigarettes now?
Abrams: I think it's safe to say that e-cigarettes have far fewer harmful ingredients and much lower levels than cigarettes.

Interviewer: Is this true because the long-term risks are unknown?
Abram: Yes, we don't know the long-term risks, and we won't know after 50 years. But we now know enough from the science of harmful biomarkers, especially about cancer. This information tells us that the amount of harmful chemicals in electronic cigarettes is extremely low, so electronic cigarettes are biologically much less harmful to the human body.
Interviewer: Is it really that simple? How do you explain the current panic surrounding e-cigarettes?
Abrams: I think it makes sense for teenagers to use electronic cigarettes more often. One concern about nicotine and nicotine addiction is that nicotine is not harmless, and teenagers who use it may become addicted and continue to smoke. But the scientific facts are not sufficient proof of this panic.

Interviewer: When it comes to cigarettes and deadly substances in cigarettes, what do you think, tar?
Abrams: That's right, tar. Tar refers to the by-product of tobacco combustion, including 69 known carcinogenic chemicals. 10 or 12 unusual factors. We can analyze the levels of these factors in the blood of people who switched to electronic cigarettes. That's what the FDA is doing. The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that only 12 of the 45 targeted harmful chemicals were detected in electronic cigarettes, all of which were significantly lower than those found in cigarettes.
Interviewer: It might help if every American smoker switched to electronic cigarettes.
Abrams: There's no doubt about that. If everyone switched to electronic cigarettes, the elimination of traditional cigarettes would greatly benefit public health. This will also solve the problem of group effects, because if no one smokes, we will not be afraid to smoke because of the influence of the environment. Our research shows that if 10 % of smokers turn to electronic cigarettes every year, 10 % of smokers will turn to electronic cigarettes every year in the next decade, which means that 100 % of smokers will switch to electronic cigarettes after 10 years. That would save the lives of as many as 6-7 million people who should have died from smoking and improve the quality of life of 87 million people.

Interviewer: So what do you think about some of the voices that blame e-smoke for the disease?
Abram: the point is that, at the point 10 years after e-cigarettes went on the market, there was a sudden outbreak. All the evidence we see from the reports of the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) shows that the cannabis oil that these people buy on the street is illegally manufactured and belongs to street drugs. There has not been a single case in which smokers use commercially produced legal e-cigarettes to cause disease.
For smokers, they should not be intimidated by what they see. If they have changed their electronic cigarettes, they should still continue to use them. Some researchers will suspect that e-cigarettes are the Trojan horse of tobacco companies. Because these companies have done something to undermine trust in the past. I think the aversion to the tobacco industry is a reminder that 38 million smokers need our help.
120 years ago, the disruptive technology was the cigarette machine, which did lead to the spread of lung cancer and other diseases. Today, 120 years later, we have the opportunity to use a new technology to get rid of cigarettes, which can provide nicotine in a very satisfactory way without the main harm of burning tobacco. If we miss this opportunity, we will lose the biggest opportunity to improve public health in 120 years: to get rid of traditional tobacco and replace it with electronic cigarettes that are safer for all.


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