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Compare the cost with the traditional cigarettes and E-cigarette?


One of the first questions we’re asked about vaping is cost. While many e-cigarette retailers claim you can save lots of money by switching, there are not too many specific comparisons to regular cigarettes.

Over the years, the cost of traditional cigarettes (…or ‘analog’ cigarettes as they’re known to experienced vapers) have dramatically increased. In fact, the cost per pack has nearly doubled in the past 5 years!!
Some of this is due to increased cost for the raw material – tobacco. But other factors like federal, state and local taxes though have been a main driver too. In 2009 for example, the federal government raised its excise tax on cigarettes from $0.39 to $1.01. And in light of constraining budgets, many states have raised their taxes on cigarettes in order to raise operating revenues.

The absence of these taxes alone makes e-cigarettes compelling in terms of cost. Although up-front cost may be slightly more than a week’s worth of analogs, the ongoing cost are significantly less unless you try multiple models and buy large quantities of the most expensive nicotine liquid.

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