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Electronic cigarettes are the hottest thing in

by:NLRC     2020-05-02
1. Electronic cigarette usa have no tar, and 99.9% fewer carcinogens than regular cigarettes. Did you know that tobacco cigarettes have up to 599 ingredients. When burned, they create up to 4000 chemical compounds. 2. E cigarette usa leave no stinky odor. Tobacco smoke is a solid, and eventually settles on anything it comes in contact with, leaving a smelly film. Ecigs emit a vapor, which is a gas, and will leave behind no lingering odor. 3. Electronic cigarettes require no accessories. No lighter, or matches, no ashtray to overfill with dirty stubs. Simple. 4. Electronic cigarettes are legal to use indoors. Sure, they probably won't let you smoke one on an airplane, but if you did, it would be within the law. I recommend you sneak a few puffs in the washroom. The smoke detectors can't detect vapor. 5. E Cig usa will save you money. After the initial cost of a Starter Kit, the e-cigarette habit is cheap to maintain. 6. Electronic cigarettes are less addictive. While continuing to deliver your nicotine, Ecigs do not have all of the other addictive chemicals present in tobacco cigarettes. And since the e-juice comes in a variety of nicotine strengths, including zero, you can easily wean yourself from the habit, while still smoking your Ecig. 7. Electronic cigarettes are a great conversation piece. Because they are such a new technology, e-cigarettes get a lot of attention wherever they're smoked. It's a great way to meet new people, and a handy tool if you're single. 8. Electronic cigarettes create less waste. No more flicking your butts onto the road, and no package to throw out. As a bonus, most Ecig companies will refurbish the cartridges when you're done with them. 9. Electronic cigarettes save lives. If you've been smoking for a while, it might be hard to quit. With e-cigarettes, you don't need to. You can smoke to your hearts content, with none of the ill effects of tobacco. 10. Electronic cigarettes don't take your breath away. I don't know too many tobacco smokers who play sports, and the ones who do struggle. Tobacco smoke inhibits your lungs ability to do their job. E-smoke has no such negative effects. Welcome to an age where you can smoke the equivalent of a pack of cigarettes, then run a marathon. 11. You don't need to finish an electronic cigarette. When you light up a tobacco cigarette, you either need to finish it, or you waste it, or bear the disgusting first drag when you relight it later. With an Ecig, you can smoke it for an hour straight, or take a couple of drags and put it down. It's there when you want it, for however long you want it.
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